wsdl2as Command Line Interface


java [ <options> ] <wsdl-URI>

wsdl-URI may be either a simple local filename, or the URL of a WSDL file that should be downloaded and processed.

Note that in order for valid code to be generated, the file playerglobal.swc, usually fould in flex-2-sdk/frameworks/libs, must be included in the classpath.


--output dirSpecifies the directory that generated ActionScript code
is saved to. If this option is missing, the directory
'out', within the current directory, is the default.
--classpath pathsSpecifies the locations of entries to include on the
ActionScript classpath. Entries may be .swc files
or folders containing .as files. Multiple entries
may be given, seperated by the platform path-seperator
character (';' on windows, ':' on other systems).
--mapping strategyThe XML-Object mapping strategy to use. Valid
strategies are 'none' and 'asxsd'.

See Also

The maven plugin.